This set contains the following in colour, and B&W
Seeds and nuts, Acorn, Almond, Apple seed, Avocado seed, Bean pod, Black sesame seed, White sesame, Brown bean, Brown beans, Red bean, Green bean, Cashew seed, Cashew, Cherry, Chestnut seed, Chestnut, Chia seed, Cocoa bean, Cocoa bean seed, Coconut, Coffee bean
Corn seed, Dandelion, Flax seed, Hazelnut, Maple seed, Milkweed seed, Mustard seed, Pecan nut seed, Pecan nut, Peanut, Peas, Pine cone
pine nut, Poppy seed, Poppy seed flower, Pumpkin seed, Rice plant, Rice, Sandbur, Soy bean, Sunflower seed, Wheat, Wheat seed
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